Don't listen to the inner critic inside of you telling you what you can and can't do. You have been created with purpose and destiny, and you have a voice that needs to be heard. Regardless of what you have been through in the past, you must be aware of the power within you to move forward, and as you move forward you can help others move forward as well.
If you think of all the reasons that you can't do something you will never move forward. You must think of all of the reasons you can be successful at whatever you are striving to do. Don't talk yourself out of your dreams and don't allow your past to determine your future. It is time for you to eliminate any blocks and barriers that are stopping you from moving forward, and just go for it.
You must believe it is your time to succeed. You deserve to step into the greatness of who you were created to be. God has placed amazing potential in you and you have hidden gifts that need to be discovered. But you must believe in yourself.
Would you believe that there is someone, somewhere who needs you to get in alignment with your purpose? I believe that there is an abundance of individuals who need your gifts in their lives. But they can't access what you have to offer if you are not properly positioned to offer it.
What if for a moment you believed in yourself as much as God believes in you? What if you would dare to take a leap of faith into your destiny? And what if you developed the mindset to pursue your purpose with all that you have? Imagine how your life could change. Now imagine how the lives of others could change.
Unfortunately time does not stand still. So whether you decide to move forward or not time is still ticking away. The last thing you want to do is keep putting off what you desire in your heart to achieve. You can take success steps now to achieve your goals and dreams. Begin to dream again, you can do it. And there is no dream that God has placed in your heart that he has not empowered you to achieve. So silence your inner critic, make a decision to follow your heart, and achieve your dreams in a bigger way than you have ever imagined.