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Organization Training for Employees

Empower Employees To Find A Deeper Purpose In The Work That They Do! When Employees Feel Purposeful At Work, Their Work Can Be More Enjoyable And More Fulfilling. Often When Employees Are Underutilizing Their Purpose At Work, They Can Feel Underappreciated And Only Demonstrate Medium Performance Instead Of Maximum Performance. That Can Affect Profits, Morale, And Cause Turnover! Employees Who Don't Feel Like They Are Purposeful At Work Can Begin To Look For Another Job, Or Not Put Out Their Full Potential At Work, And That Affects The Employee And The Organization!

Your organization has an opportunity to step up and stand out in an amazing way by providing coaching services. If part of the vision of your organization is to be unique and stand out from your competitors, make a difference in the lives of others, and generate additional income, it's time to take your organization to the next level of success! Creating a coaching culture in the workplace is a win-win for everyone. 

Do you represent a purpose-driven organization that is dedicated to making a difference, and building the lives of others? Are you affiliated with an organization that has a specific purpose to serve those who need to move forward, achieve goals, fulfill their dreams and experience a more fulfilled life? Do you have a caring and compassionate staff who are inspirational, motivational, empowering, and supportive? Have you ever thought that you have a great organization that provides great services, but something is missing? Having a staff of coaches could be the missing piece that your organization needs.

If you represent a purpose-driven organization that would like to incorporate coaching into the services that you provide, then this may be a great opportunity for you. Our trainer will help you to create a coaching culture in your organization.

Imagine what having a staff of coaches could do for your company. How would it make you stand out in the crowd? How would it assist those that you serve in an even more amazing way? How would it assist those that you serve to achieve their goals and dreams? How would it assist those that you serve to live a more fulfilled life? How would it empower your staff to be more purposeful in the workplace?

Having a staff of certified coaches could be extremely rewarding for your organization. It could not only be beneficial and fulfilling for those that you serve, but also for your staff. We believe that having a coaching culture is important for organizations. That means that coaching is a key part of the services that are provided to those that you serve. That also means that your organization understands the impact that coaching can have for the organization, and in the lives of others. And it also means that your organization is dedicated to appreciating and celebrating the purpose of your staff!

Our trainer has real world experience providing coaching services to organizations, and she will work with your staff in a customized and private group to assist them with achieving their coach certification. She will assist your staff to create a coaching culture that will assist those that your organization serve live a successful life.

Not only can having a staff of coaches mean success for your clients, but it can also mean success for your employees, and organization as well. Take a moment to think about where your organization is at now. Now take another moment to imagine where it could go if you made the decision to implement a coaching culture.


Offer Life Changing Group Programs, Workshops and Seminars Specific to Your Organization:

As a purposeful organization would you like to offer in-house group coaching programs, workshops, and seminars exclusively for your clients, or the community you serve? As an organization that provides coaching services, you can provide programs that your staff of coaches create based on the mission, purpose, and goals of your organization.

You can even provide coaching groups, workshops, and seminars for a fee if your organization chooses to. Offering group coaching, workshops and seminars is an excellent opportunity for your organization to think out of the box, serve client needs in a powerful way, and even generate additional income (if that is a desire).


Training Format:

There must be at least 4 staff members to schedule a private class. Class is to be completed within 16 weeks. This unique program will be designed to cater to your staff members, and the specific purpose of your organization. 

The private training format includes downloadable modules, recorded classes (MP3 format), downloadable resources, and personalized email coaching and mentoring (for each employee). You also have the option to add two private group coaching calls for participants. In the event that group coaching calls won't work for your organization. You have the option for a private Facebook group page (for the duration of the program only). Also, each participant has an opportunity for two private one-to-one coaching/mentoring sessions. 

The program is designed to be very flexible and convenient, while still offering a high-level of trainer access, accountability, and support. 

Staff members will receive a password specific to your organization, and your organization will have a private log in area just for them. They will log in weekly to complete the learning material on days and times that work for them. Class materials will be made available every Monday by 8:30 a.m. EST, and must be completed by Sunday at midnight, EST.

All participants will need internet access, an e-mail address for the trainer to communicate with them, and a way to download their modules. 



The investment depends on the program you choose and the number of employees, please contact us for a custom quote. 


Request a Quote:

To request a customized quote specific for your organization, please click the button below. You will receive a response within 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays).

Please Click Here


For additional information or for a free corporate coaching consult, please contact The Character and Self-Esteem (CASE) Institute by e-mail at thecaseinstitute@gmail.com, or telephone (1-877-494-7137), or through the contact us page. We are looking forward to serving your organization.